
Mannerist and Baroque Sculpture in Bohemia and Moravia 1550-1800

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Mannerist and Baroque Sculpture in Bohemian and Moravia 1550-1800 Illustrated summary catalogue; Author: Tomáš Hladík; Translation, editing: Lucie Kasíková; Photographs: Department of Photographic Documentation NGP (David Stecker, Jakub Přecechtěl, Hubert Hesoun, Mojmír Bureš, Ondřej Bouška, Anna Ritterová, Čeněk Folk); English, 519 pages, 520 reproductions
Národní galerie Praha
24 months
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Available on Friday 3/14/2025

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There are a total of 500 sculptural works in the holdings of the National Gallery Prague that were created in the territory of Bohemia and Moravia from the Late Renaissance period to the end of the Baroque era. Far the most part, these are works of undetermined authorship; one quarter of the preserved artefacts have been attributed by modern research to specific names of master sculptors. The ensemble was expanded from the first half of the 1920s thanks to a sizeable network of contacts among art dealers, antiquarians and collectors of old art, cultivated at the time by Vincenc Kramář, the then-director of the Picture Gallery of the Patriotic Friends of the Arts in Prague. The most valuable exhibits in today´s collection of Baroque sculpture comprise the sculptural works of Matthias Bernard Braun. For the first time ever, the entire body of works are expertly researched and photographically documented in the form of an Illustrated summary catalogue.  


*) This book was published with support from a Grant for the Long-Term Conceptual Developement of  a Research Organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.


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Národní galerie Praha